Readme.txt 3/1/96 ========== License and Copyright ========================== This program is copyrighted by Virginia Tech. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 1 --- contained in the file "copying.doc" --- as modified by the file "license.doc". Both files are distributed with this software. Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Files in this directory: migmodel_DECstation131.tar.Z MigModel v1.3.1 distribution file. readme.txt (this file) Description, installation instructions, and hardware/software requirements of MigModel. * Be sure you switch to 'binary' mode before transferring these files to your system. Simply type 'binary' at the ftp prompt. MigModel ======== MigModel is a program that provides a student with the means to develop and explore models relating to migration. The student selects factors that he or she thinks were significant to migration between counties of the United States during a decade. The student can then compare his or her model with the actual migration that occurred during that period. Installation ========= This program is distributed as a 'tarred' and 'compress'ed archive file. 1) Locate the distribution files. 2) Uncompress the file migmodel_DECstation131.tar.Z: type: uncompress migmodel_DECstation131.tar <return> 3) Untar the file migmodel_DECstation131.tar type: tar -xvf migmodel_DECstation131.tar The programs files will be extracted under the subdirectory named intlpop that will be created under your current working directory. Running the Program ===================== 1) Change to the directory to which it was installed 2) Type: migmodel & Requirements to Run MigModel ====================================== Hardware Requirements --------------------- - DECstation - Mouse - 4 MB Hard drive space. Software Requirements --------------------- - Ultrix version 4.x - X Windows Where to get help ================= If you need help or for more information on Project GeoSim, contact: Dr. Cliff Shaffer Department of Computer Science Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24061 (703) 231-4354 How to acquire GeoSim software ============================== GeoSim software, documentation, and sample classroom exercises are available free via anonymous FTP or Gopher from: Or via World Wide Web (Mosiac) with the following URL: You can contact us by email at: If you would like to be on our email list and receive news about updates and new programs, just send us an email message at the above address. If you do not have Internet access, write us to receive a price list for software on floppy diskette at: Project GeoSim Department of Computer Science Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24061